The Coach's Career Development Program


Ready to jump start your job search? Feel like your climb up the coaching career ladder has stalled out? Have you put off hiring an agent because all your friends in the sports business have mentioned that while they like having an agent, they don't like the bill?


You've come to the right place.

What's Included

Professional Development Course

You'll go through a four-part strategic course that concentrates on identifying and communicating who you are and what you represent, organizing and developing your professional network, getting clear about your career goals, and understanding the process to execute to advance your career and land your dream job.

Personal Branding, RƩsumƩ & Profile

Together with Jill's team you'll develop visual personal branding, an updated résumé and a personal profile. All three are specially designed to set you apart from other candidates and catch the attention and interest of decision-makers in the hiring process.

Job Search Advisement, Contract Review & Negotiation

As your advocate and trusted advisor, Jill will act as your sounding board as you make decisions about your career. She can act as a representative as you pursue new employment, will review your current and future employment contracts to be sure you are protected contractually, and can aid in contract renegotiation with an eye for timing, leverage, and market analysis.


Gain access to Jill's professional network, including the other coaches inside the course, through annual in-person networking opportunities.

Recent Client Success Stories

"I wouldnā€™t have been able to make the jump from an assistant coach at South Dakota to the NFL without Jill. Sheā€™s smart, tough and everyone in the NFL respects her."

Marquice Williams
Special Teams Coordinator, Atlanta Falcons

Who is Jill McBride Baxter?

Jill is a sports law attorney who has represented coaches, athletic directors, media, and NFL players since 1988. She's a licensed attorney in Maryland, Arizona and Utah. A recently published author of "Born to Be a Sports Agent," she also hosts a podcast called "Representation Without Taxation" and serves as the CEO of Academic Gameplan. She's the wife and daughter of Division I football coaches and the mother of two adult daughters.

What's it Cost?




Pay for the first year of the program with three payments.

Purchase & Enroll




Save $150 by paying in full for your first year in my program.

Purchase & Enroll




Pay for the first year of the program with six payments.

Purchase & Enroll

"Jill's extensive network and knowledge of the sports industry is second to none. Working with Jill and her process will not only help you advance in your career goals, but it will create the best opportunities for you and your family. She brings about success for her clients on and off the field."

David Rosen
Director of Player Personnel, UTSA

How to Get the Coaching Job You Want Without Spending an Entire Paycheck on an Agent

Watch my webinar to learn more about my philosophy and the program!

Still have questions about the program?

Send me any additional questions, comments, or concerns via the button below. Please include your phone number in the message.