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Athletes I've Worked With

Marlon Moore

Retired NFL Player / Played 8 Years

“I owe a lot to Jill. She’s helped me through good times and bad. She’s been there for my family and provides support to my mom, my wife and my kids in addition to me. We make a great team.”

Stephen Spach

Retired NFL Player / Successful Financial Advisor

“The best part about my relationship with Jill is that she’s not only my representative, she’s become a big part of my family. Having someone you can trust, and someone who will have your back at all times is so important in the National Football League. With Jill I never had any doubt she was always doing what was best for me. She helped me transition from the NFL into the next phase of my life and that was extremely helpful.”

Marquice Williams

Special Teams Coordinator/ Atlanta Falcons

“I wouldn’t have been able to make the jump from an assistant coach at South Dakota to the NFL without Jill. She’s smart, tough and everyone in the NFL respects her.”

Representation Without Taxation Podcast

Legal Summary of the House vs NCAA Settlement

Jul 04, 2024